We still have at least a month or so to go until the elderflower is in bloom up here in Scotland but my excitement has tempted me to share my cordial recipe. This is great as a cocktail mixer in a summers drink or incorporated into a dessert to give that springtime elderflower essence.
Elderflower cordial:
50 Elderflower heads
2kg sugar
2 litre water
1 Lemon
2 limes
50g Ascorbic acid or vitamin C powder
Place the elderflower, lemon & limes into a tub whilst bringing the sugar and water to the boil. Add ascorbic acid to the simmering sugary water and stir until dissolved. Pour the warm liquid over the Elderflower and cover for 2 days. Once infused, pour the liquid through a muslin cloth and store in air carafe or kilner. This will keep for months on end in the fridge and is most definitely worth the effort.
Elderflower Vodka Cocktail:
50ml Kettle Vodka or
25ml Elderflower cordial
Crushed Ice
Sparkling water
1/2 Juiced Lemon
Elderflower Spritzer:
- Plenty of sliced cucumber
- A half/three quarters/full bottle of white wine
- 200 ml elderflower cordial
- 3 mint (sprigs, leaves picked)
- 1 litre of soda water