The Chefs Larder is the chefs canvas, where we develop our love of haute cuisine into a fulfilling dining experience.
Based in the West Coast of Scotland, we have a passion for all culinary aspects, from foraging, preparation, creating dishes and of course tasting the final flavours.
Our blog welcomes you into our kitchen, where we hope to showcase everything from special dishes, recipes, trade secrets, events, reviews and everything haute!


Tuesday 23 December 2014

Cannelloni of Strawberry & White chocolate, creme fraiche, lemon & hazelnut

Cannelloni of Strawberry & White chocolate, creme fraiche, lemon & hazelnut

So christmas has been a busy one, first time I've had a chance to do anything at all. It's also a time of year where we have a few odds and ends laying about so I thought I'd try and work on a little dish for this summer with my left overs. Yes, yes, the seasonalists (not a real word) will have a pop at me for using strawberries at Christmas but I've got them so I'll use them. Anyway, here's the recipe to what is actually a very simple dessert. If I wasn't shown this before then I probably wouldn't have tried it but it's surprisingly easy. The guys who showed me this know who they are, cheers. 

White chocolate parfait:
150g egg yolk
100g sugar
50ml water
150g white chocolate
500g double cream. 
Heat the sugar & water to 121*c and whisk the egg yolks until pale. Add the liquid to the yolks and whisk hard and fast until it starts to cool. This is best done in a mixer, not by hand. Melt the white chocolate and add to the egg mix. Once its cold, whisk the cream to soft peaks and fold into the egg mix. Pipe into pre rolled acetate tubes and freeze. Once frozen, cut to desired size and roll in jelly then place in the fridge to defrost. 

Strawberry jelly:
700g strawberry puree
200ml water
100ml stock syrup
8g Agar
3 gelatine leaves
Heat the liquid to the boil, add the agar and whisk on the boil for 2 minutes. Add the bloomed gelatine and strain quickly. Set on a tray lined with acetate, and chill. Once set then wrap around the white chocolate parfait and place in the fridge to defrost. It will keep its shape.  

Creme faiche sorbet:
400g creme fraiche
300ml water
150g sugar
50g glucose
10g peppercorns
Bring the water, sugar, glucose & peppercorn to the boil and leave to cool naturally. Whisk the creme fraiche in and strain, churn and freeze. 

Lemon curd:
250g lemon juice
500g butter
500g sugar
11 eggs
3 1/2 gelatine leaves
Heat the butter and the lemon juice in a bain marie. Whisk the egg & sugar together and add to the lemon/butter mix. Heat slowly, stirring every few moments until it thickens up. Add the gelatine and strain into a container and chill. Once set, whisk together and place into a piping bag or a squeeze bottle.  

Hazelnut crunch: 
100g butter
50g sugar
50g flour
100g chopped hazelnuts
Cream the sugar & butter until pale, add the nuts & flour. Back in the over at 160*c for 12 minutes. Once cool, smash up or pulse in the blender. 

Garnish with a few strawberries and a little red vein sorrel. 
